7 Wonders Edifice

7 Wonders Edifice

3-7 Players
10+ Age
30 min Duration
7 Wonders Edifice

3-7 Players
10+ Age
30 min Duration
  • 7 Wonders Edifice
  • 7 Wonders Edifice

" Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the Earth " (Archimedes) In 7 Wonders Edifice, develop cities and build edifices together. You have the choice: join your opponents and share glory and rewards, or go it alone and suffer the consequences. Choose wisely! The future of your city is in your hands.


What's in the box

7 Wonders Edifice
  • 2 New Wonder Boards - Carthage and Ur
  • 15 Edifice cards
  • 24 Participation pawns
  • 15 Debt tokens
  • 12 Military Conflict tokens
  • 3 Coins worth 6
  • 1 score pad
  • 3 Description of New Effects sheets and core rulebook

Game details

" Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the…
