Star Wars Armada

In Star wars: Armada you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance.

Star Wars Armada

In Star wars: Armada you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance.

2 Players
14+ Age
120 min Duration
Star Wars Armada

In Star wars: Armada you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance.

2 Players
14+ Age
120 min Duration
  • Star Wars Armada

In Star wars: Armada you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance.

It's your job to issue the tactical commands that will decide the cours of battle and, perhaps, the fate of…

What's in the box

Star Wars Armada

Game details

In Star wars: Armada you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the…

It's your job to issue the tactical commands that will decide the cours of battle and, perhaps, the fate of the galaxy.